Toddler Sense Central Liverpool

07956 463 649

Taster Sessions:

  • We will be running FREE taster sessions in January!
  • Please complete the Enquiry section, or email me at to register your interest and I will contact you will all relevant details.

Term details:

  • A term is usually 6 weeks long (though this may differ on some occasions so please check when booking)
  • A term of 6 weeks will cost £51 (£8.50 per session)
  • The full amount must be paid for at the time of booking
  • Term dates (including any holiday dates) are included with your booking
  • We request 1 adult to attend per toddler due to class size and venue restrictions. However if you wish for an additional adult to come along, please let me know in advance and I can try to accommodate

Sibling discount:

  • We offer a discount for 2 or more siblings attending. Please email me before making your booking to receive the discount code.