Toddler Sense Dundee


Booking information

Our classes run in terms. If places are available mid term you will only be charged for the remaining weeks of that term. If all class places have been filled you will have the option of adding your details to the waitlist. You will be contacted as soon as a space comes available. Term lengths may fluctuate due to the number of weeks between each but each class is currently charged at £7.

Class holiday weeks are carried forward or fall out-with terms so that you don't lose a class.

Throughout the term you may not be able to attend all your booked classes. In this event you are welcome to gift your class to a friend, who has a child within the same age range, or with prior arrangement we will always try to offer you an alternative class within the same week.

Unfortunately we cannot carry over or refund missed classes.

Book your space here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my toddler need to be walking to attend?
Our classes and activities, as well as our Adventure play area, are designed for crawlers, pre-walkers and walkers.

Can I bring younger or older siblings to class?
Baby siblings are welcome to come along, please ensure they are in a sling or pram.

Older siblings are able to attend, if there are no other childcare options, but are not permitted on our soft play.

What happens if I miss one of the sessions from my block?
If you are unwell or on holiday and miss one of the session's from your block, we offer the opportunity of offering a friend, with a similar aged child the opportunity to take your space. Please let us know in advance if you would like to take up this opportunity.

What should my Toddler and I wear to class?
We recommend that you dress your toddler in comfy clothes that allow freedom of movement as they explore our play equipment. We ask that parents and toddlers wear socks in class.

Can I bring my partner/adult guest with me to class?

Can Daddy/Mummy/Grandparents etc attend in my place.
Of course, any adult can bring your toddler in your place.

Do you host birthday parties?
We certainly do host brilliant, themed birthday parties for 2nd, 3rd and 4th birthdays. We can host up to 15 children aged under 5 at our parties. Please do get in touch for more information.

Do you have special seasonal events?
Yes! Look out for details of our Easter, Summer, Halloween and Christmas Special Parties on our Events and Facebook page.