
Toddler Sense Fleet - TS Fleet Limited

07709 181544 www.toddlersense.co.uk/fleet fleet@toddlersense.co.uk

Your class leader is Siobhan and you may see Claudia helping on a Tuesday and Wednesday, or me (Viv) on a Thursday.


****Door Code****   Please enter the following code into the keypad by the front door when you arrive: 9896#.Once you are inside, we are in the Zebon Hall which is along the corridor on your right.


Been to Toddler Sense Fleet before? Please do refresh yourselves with our class running requirements numbered 1-8 below… They do change from time to time. 


New to Toddler Sense Fleet? Please read all the information below to ensure a smooth start to your Toddler Sense journey and if you still have any queries that aren’t answered below, please do get in touch with us. 


1 Arrival  - To make sure the room is ready and safe for everyone please do not come into the hall until a couple of minutes before the class scheduled start time.  We will have a STOP and  GO  sign on the door to let you know when the equipment is set up and safety checked, and we're ready to greet you 

2 No Shoe Policy  - please do not walk on our mats or on any of our equipment with your shoes on (little ones and grown ups). Pop some socks in your changing back for you both and you’ll always be ready to play! 

3 Snacks - No snacks during class please - if absolutely necessary please consume at the back of the hall only on the “Snack Mat” provided. No nuts or common allergens please. This is in the interests of everyone’s health and safety, cleanliness of our equipment and mindful of allergies others may have in the class. Please mop up any spillages or ask for help if you need it.  

4 Rubbish - please take all your rubbish home with you as we need to keep our equipment clean. 

5 Bouncy Castle  - when this equipment is available, we can only have  a maximum of 3 children on the bouncy castle  at any one time.  Please help us ensure this limit is observed by taking turns and waiting if necessary. 

6 Supervision of children - Toddler Sense is a class that works best when parents engage with children and take responsibility for their safety during class.  Whilst it's important to catch up with friends during Adventure Play, we ask that during Activity Time you keep chatting to a minimum so we can get the best out of the activities as a group and safety information isn't missed.  Our safety information often concerns whether or not the equipment can be mouthed - please pay particular attention to this and your child during this activity. Children must be supervised at all times and never left unattended in the hall.  

7 Allergies - please keep us updated of any possible allergies either you or your little one have, in particular any allergies to Latex (balloons) and soap/bubble mixture. 


8 Sickness - Please do familiarise yourself with our sickness policy which can be found at www.toddlersense.co.uk/fleet under Terms and Conditions - the comfort of all those attending is of paramount importance. Unfortunately, refunds for missed classes due to illness can’t be arranged, however you can gift your class space to a friend or re-arrange for a different day that same week if appropriate and spaces are available.


Holidays – Apologies but refunds for missed classes due to holidays/other absences can’t be arranged however, as above, you can gift your space to a friend or anyone on our waiting list. 


New to Toddler Sense? 

Here's a little bit about how we run our classes and whatwe need your help withto make things work smoothly and to ensure your toddler gets the most out of our classes! 


The class starts with Adventure Play time which is 20-25 minutes where you to help your little one work on their motor development and burn off some energy using our equipment laid out for you. After Tidy Up Time we then have 30 minutes of themed Activity Time which Siobhan leads with your help. 


Arrival - Many of you who are joining us for the first time may not know where the venue is situated and when you arrive the car park may be busy. However, please do not panic if you are running late or cannot find the venue straight away, take your time. We will begin at the set times but we want you to arrive safely to classes. If you arrive late, just join in once you are ready, there is never any rush.

Parking - There is lots of free parking at the Zebon Centre but during exceptionally busy times you can park on nearby roads. Please park within the bays to ensure ease of use for all visitors and access for emergency vehicles at all times.  

Settling In  - We have some fantastic sessions planned this term for you and your children. Please be aware if you are new to the classes or have moved up from Baby Sensory, it may take your little one about 3 sessions before they feel fully comfortable in the room and settled with their new class. If you ever have any questions please feel free to ask Siobhan or you can ask me via email or telephone - I will do all I can to help. 


Supervision of children - Toddler Sense is a class that works best when parents engage with children and take responsibility for their safety during class.  Whilst it's wonderful to catch up with friends during Adventure Play, we ask that during Activity Time please keep chatting to a minimum so we can get the best out of the activities as a group and safety information isn't missed.  Our safety information often concerns whether or not the equipment can be mouthed - please pay particular attention to this and your child during this activity. Children must be supervised at all times and never left unattended in the hall.  

If you need to bring an extra adult with you to class at any point during the term, please email me (fleet@babysensory.co.uk) in advance so we can monitor room capacity and ensure there is space for everyone. 

Follow us on Social Media - Every week we have new experiences for your child so please like and follow us on  Facebook and Instagram for updates and reminders on class themes and other items of interest in the Toddler Sense world! We also love to hear your feedback of how much you enjoy the classes so please feel free to  review us if you would like to.


See you soon! Our mascot Tod is excited to meet you all!