We currently offer 4 different booking options Pay As You Go at £9.25 per class, 3 weeks at £26.25, 5 weeks at £42.25 or 10 weeks at £77.50
Payment will be required at the time of booking online to secure your place. I can only confirm places in class on receipt of payment.
We run throughout term time with the exception of bank holidays. If we have a planned closure at any point during your block booking you will be notified on your confirmation email and your block will be extended accordingly.
The less exciting but very important stuff… (full terms and conditions are available under the Terms & Conditions tab on the left.
Health & Safety:
1. Parents are asked to keep their tots at home if they have a serious infection or you know they may be contagious (see Terms and Conditions tab for more info on this)
2. We don’t always know when our children are contagious so if your child becomes unwell with a serious infection shortly after attending one of our classes please could you let me know so that other parents can be alerted.
3. In the event of sickness or diarrhoea, please do not bring children to class until they have been symptom free for 48 hours.
4. Children must be supervised by the adult that brings them at all times.
5. Due to food allergies please ensure that absolutely no food is brought into the Activity or Adventure Play area and all rubbish is taken home with you.
6. Please take dirty nappies home with you.
7. I understand many of our tiny customers will be potty training and therefore I am positively laden with anti-bacterial products– if your child has an accident please let me know immediately so I can provide you with cleaning wipes etc.
8.Please remove shoes before letting your toddler loose on the equipment. Socks must be worn by adults at all times for safety and hygiene.
Refunds/Cancellations of classes:
I will endeavour to run classes during bad weather. However, should classes need to be cancelled you will be notified ASAP. Toddler Sense has the right to cancel classes without refund in exceptional circumstances beyond our control but if possible, we may run a catch-up class at an alternative time. If this cannot be arranged, I will add the missed session to your block booking.
It is with regret that I cannot offer a refund if you are unable to attend a session. If possible, you will be offered a catch-up session, or you are welcome to offer your session to a friend if their child is of the right age for the group – please contact me in advance to arrange this as anyone not on the register will not be allowed entry to the class without prior arrangement.
For anyone who has booked a block of 5 or more I am able to offer one ‘holiday’ week per block providing you give me notice that you will not be attending.
Any valuables brought into the venue is done so at your own risk. I cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage to personal possessions.
Photography & Videos:
Parents or carers should feel comfortable taking pictures or videos of their children, however, I ask that everyone remains sensitive to the feelings of others and stop if asked to do so.
Please note that parents are responsible for the safety and security of their property and their children and themselves within our classes. We do understand on the odd occasion siblings both under 13 months or over 5 may attend classes with their sibling and they are very welcome! However, PLEASE BE AWARE that we are NOT insured to have children over the age of 5 years use our equipment so will be asked not to use it and will need to be supervised.
Data Protection:
The information on your registration form contains personal data. Toddler Sense will record, process and keep your personal information securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Information will not be passed/sent out to a third party.
Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/toddlersensemiltonkeynes/ to see all our updates!
If your questions are not answered in these pages please feel free to contact through messenger, call or text 07972 798017 or email miltonkeynes@toddlersense.co.uk