Toddler Sense Norwich

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Classes run weekly in termly blocks. Each week introduces a new theme and a new adventure for you and your little one to enjoy.

What happens at Toddler Sense Classes?

  • Explore our fabulous adventure play area, the equipment encourages a wide range of skills from social (making new friends) to physical (climbing, rolling, bouncing), emotional (it's so much fun!), creative (building a house), intellectual (working out how to get over obstacles), and much more
  • And when your toddler or child has finished exploring, a whole new world of adventure and structured activities begin.
  • After 'Tidy Up' time, we sing our 'How do you do?' welcome song to prepare your toddler for a new themed adventure.
  • Along with the physical side for your toddler, you will be given developmental knowledge from our trained practitioners.

To help everyone wind down at the end of a busy session, it's back to the mats for our 'Say Goodbye' song. When you join us again the following week, we'll transport you and your toddler or child to a whole new world of sensory stimulation and wonder.

To find out about current classes on offer go to the “Book Now” section or send me a message.

Follow me on Social Media to find out about special events, new sessions and special offers.